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DSP based OFDM demodulator and equalizer for professional DVB-T receivers

Publication typeJournal paper
Year of publication1999
AuthorsFabrizio Frescura, Stefan Pielmeier, Gianluca Reali, Giuseppe Baruffa, and Saverio Cacopardi
TitleDSP based OFDM demodulator and equalizer for professional DVB-T receivers
Journal titleIEEE Transactions on Broadcasting
DateSeptember 1999
ISSN number0018-9316
ISBN number
Key words
AbstractThis work treats the design of base-band processing subsystems for professional DVB-T receivers using 1600 MIPS, fixed point DSPs. We show the results about the implementation of OFDM demodulation, channel estimation and equalization functional blocks, for the 2k/8k modes. The adoption of general purpose DSPs provides a great flexibility in the development of different configurations of the receiver. Furthermore, it enables the feasibility of adaptive equalization schemes, where the quality of the channel estimation varies according to both channel characteristics and speed of the channel variations. The 16/32 bit fixed point architecture leads to a very low implementation loss, and a carefull optimization of the pipeline architecture of the processor allows the receiver to obtain short processing delays. The flexibility of the software approach along with the obtained performance make the proposed implementation very interesting in professional and high-end receivers for interactive, multimedia applications of DVB-T.
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Last update: 2015-10-12, 16:44:51