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A Software Radio architecture for implementation complexity evaluation of multi-standard transceivers

Publication typeConference paper
Year of publication2000
AuthorsEuro Sereni, Giuseppe Baruffa, and Fabrizio Frescura
TitleA Software Radio architecture for implementation complexity evaluation of multi-standard transceivers
Conference nameIST 2000 Mobile Summit
DateOctober 2000
PlaceGalway, Ireland
ISSN number
ISBN number
Key words
AbstractIn this paper we propose to study a hardware architecture able to give the complexity requirements of a software defined radio transceiver for the Global Mobile Broadband System (GMBS), to be implemented in the framework of the SUITED project. In particular, the GMBS terminal will interact with terrestrial standards such as UMTS, IEEE 802.11 and GPRS. The Software Radio approach is carried on by the adoption of reconfigurable devices such as DSP and FPGA for the implementation of the transmission/reception algorithms. A cost function will be defined, to evaluate the performance of the implemented algorithms and to optimise the partitioning between DSP and ASIC devices.
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Last update: 2015-10-12, 16:44:51