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A Software Radio development system for wireless multimedia systems

Publication typeConference paper
Year of publication2000
AuthorsCristian Gnudi, Paolo Antognoni, Saverio Cacopardi, Fabrizio Frescura, and Michele Vagheggini
TitleA Software Radio development system for wireless multimedia systems
Conference nameInternational Conference on signal Processing applications and Technology (ICSPAT 2000)
DateOctober 2000
PlaceDallas, TX
ISSN number
ISBN number
Key words
AbstractIn this paper a software radio development system and its hardware and software DSP based architecture is presented. The proposed hardware configuration and the software analysis are intended to evaluate the capability and the costs, in terms of hardware and software, of the integration in one common hardware platform (based on programmable DSPs), of different wireless standards.
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Last update: 2015-10-12, 16:44:51