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Stochastic channel allocation in non-linear environments

Publication typeJournal paper
Year of publication2001
AuthorsGiuseppe Baruffa, Saverio Cacopardi, Fabrizio Frescura, and Gianluca Reali
TitleStochastic channel allocation in non-linear environments
Journal titleEuropean Transactions on Telecommunications
DateJan.-Feb. 2001
ISSN number
ISBN number
Key words
AbstractIn this paper new techniques able to solve the problem of frequency assignment in satellite communications are proposed. Their performance is evaluated in a non-linear environment that models the satellite channel behaviour. The stochastic approach consists in the exploration and validation of new load configurations for the down-link channel. Since the carriers have different powers, the complexity of the problem is high. An analytical approach is used for calculating the number and the power of 3rd order intermodulation products, which may also be used for higher order contributions. After this, comparisons between classic and stochastic techniques, in terms of computational time and allocation quality, are shown.
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Last update: 2015-10-12, 16:44:51