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Effects of HPA non linearity on frequency multiplexed OFDM signals

Publication typeJournal paper
Year of publication2001
AuthorsPaolo Banelli, Giuseppe Baruffa, and Saverio Cacopardi
TitleEffects of HPA non linearity on frequency multiplexed OFDM signals
Journal titleIEEE Transactions on Broadcasting
DateJune 2001
ISSN number 0018-9316
ISBN number
Key wordsCABSINET, communication system nonlinearities, DVB-T, non linear distortions, OFDM, predistortion
AbstractThe paper analyzes the performance of the downlink channel of a multimedia interactive service system which transmits the desired information by the frequency multiplexing of several OFDM signals compliant with the DVB-T standard. The effects of the nonlinear distortions introduced by a High Power Amplifier on the system performance are evaluated both in terms of the Bit Error Rate (BER) degradation in AWGN channels and of the spectral regrowth. The performance comparison to the case of a single DVB-T signal as well as the benefits of an ideal predistor-tion is also considered by comparing analytical results to computer simulations.
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Last update: 2015-10-12, 16:44:51