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JPEG2000 and MJPEG2000 transmission in 802.11 wireless local area networks

Publication typeJournal paper
Year of publication2003
AuthorsFabrizio Frescura, Mauro Giorni, Cesare Feci, and Saverio Cacopardi
TitleJPEG2000 and MJPEG2000 transmission in 802.11 wireless local area networks
Journal titleIEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics
DateNovember 2003
ISSN number0098-3063
ISBN number
Key words
AbstractIn this paper the transmission of JPEG2000 and motion JPEG2000 codestream in 802.11 WLAN environment is analyzed. The issues related to the transmission of JPEG2000, using non-reliable protocols as UDP-RTP, are investigated and a proper protection scheme for dealing with such an environment is presented, along with the obtained performance with different systems parameters. The proposed technique addresses a wide range of multimedia applications such as wireless PC to digital projector multimedia presentations, point to multipoint digital slide projection, wireless video-surveillance systems.
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Last update: 2015-10-12, 16:44:51