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Backward-compatible interleaving technique for robust JPEG2000 wireless transmission

Publication typeBook chapter
Year of publication2006
AuthorsFabrizio Frescura and Giuseppe Baruffa
TitleBackward-compatible interleaving technique for robust JPEG2000 wireless transmission
Journal titleVisual Content Processing and Representation (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
EditorLuigi Atzori, Daniel D. Giusto, Riccardo Leonardi, Fernando Pereira
PublisherSpringer Verlag
Date 2006
ISSN number
ISBN number978-3-540-33578-8
Key words
AbstractThis paper presents a forward error correction technique that can be applied to protect JPEG2000 streams during their transmission over wireless channels with both sparse and packet error statistics. To this aim, we adopt the tools of the JPEG2000 Wireless (JPWL) standard, by introducing a method for Unequal Error Protection (UEP) and a virtual interleaving technique of the stream. All these techniques are introduced while keeping a complete backward-compatibility with the existing standard.
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Last update: 2015-10-12, 16:44:51