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Error protection and interleaving for wireless transmission of JPEG 2000 images and video
Publication type | Journal paper |
Year of publication | 2009 |
Authors | Giuseppe Baruffa, Paolo Micanti, and Fabrizio Frescura |
Title | Error protection and interleaving for wireless transmission of JPEG 2000 images and video |
Journal title | IEEE Transactions on Image Processing |
Volume | 18 |
Issue | 2 |
Pages | 346–356 |
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Publisher | IEEE |
Date | February 2009 |
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ISSN number | 1057-7149 |
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Key words | Image transmission, JPEG 2000, Unequal Error Protection (UEP), interleaving, progressive source coding |
Abstract | The transmission of JPEG 2000 compressed video over wireless channels has to cope with the large error rate introduced by both Gaussian noise, linear distortions, and fading. At the receiver side, such video sequences generally suffer from distortion due to the high compression ratio and the errors introduced in the codestream. The use of progressive source coding provides a clever method to protect different portions of the codestream with different channel code rates, based upon the relative importance that each portion has on the reconstructed image. A number of Unequal Error Protection (UEP) schemes have been devised, which offer a more or less optimal solution to the problem. In this paper, we present a novel technique for searching an optimal UEP strategy, which lends ideas from existing algorithms, and we adopt it, in particular, for the transmission of JPEG 2000 codestreams over a wireless channel. The gain with respect to Equal Error Protection (EEP) schemes, in terms of PSNR, can become large and is usually in the order of 3-4 dB at BER higher than 10-2, for images compressed at 0.5 bpp. Moreover, we also present a method of virtual interleaving to be used for the transmission of high bit rate streams over packet loss channels, guaranteeing a large PSNR advantage over a plain transmission scheme. These two protection strategies can also be combined, to maximize the error correction capabilities. |
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