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Low-Complexity BER Computation for Coherent Detection of Orthogonal Signals
Publication type | Journal paper |
Year of publication | 2021 |
Authors | Luca Rugini and Giuseppe Baruffa |
Title | Low-Complexity BER Computation for Coherent Detection of Orthogonal Signals |
Journal title | Electronics Letters |
Volume | 57 |
Issue | 12 |
Pages | 496–498 |
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Publisher | Wiley |
Date | June 2021 |
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ISSN number | 1350-911X |
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Abstract | The bit error rate (BER) computation for coherently detected orthogonal signals in additive white Gaussian noise requires numerical integration, which can be cumbersome in low-complexity devices. Here we propose a BER computation approach that circumvents the need for repeated numerical integration. First, we select a low-complexity BER approximation formula, with unknown parameters to be determined. Second, we determine the unknown parameters by fitting the BER approximation to a few BER values known in advance. The BER comparison with the exact results shows that the accuracy of the proposed low-complexity approach is satisfactory for several constellation sizes of interest. This enables the possibility of BER self-computation in low-complexity devices that use orthogonal signals, like those used in the Internet of Things (IoT). |
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