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Huffman sequence design for coded excitation in medical ultrasound
Publication type | Conference paper |
Year of publication | 2009 |
Authors | Alessandro Polpetta and Paolo Banelli |
Title | Huffman sequence design for coded excitation in medical ultrasound |
Conference name | IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium |
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Publisher | IEEE |
Date | September 2009 |
Place | Rome, Italy |
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Abstract | This paper deals with the design of coded-excitation signal for medical ultrasound imaging. In order to design a code sequence that generates an ultrasound signal with good detail resolution and signal-to-noise ratio, both in frequency-dependent and frequency-independent attenuating media, we propose to use a linear Huffman code obtained by an efficiency-driven optimizing procedure. By resorting to computer simulations, we show that this approach is particularly effective and it outperforms other linear coding schemes commonly used in coded-excitation ultrasound imaging. |
URL | http://ewh.ieee.org/conf/ius_2009/ |
DOI | |
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Paper |